
Wednesday 20 January 2016

Batchelors Super Noodles Taste Adventures Zingy Peri Peri Chicken

Second one in the Taste Adventures series, this one is a "New kid on the block", so I assume it's a flavour that Super Noodles have not used previously. I didn't follow the instructions - I just poured on boiling water, stirred and waited. No need for extra boiling. The taste is savoury with onion and tomato notes, then comes in some lime. It's sweet, yet warm and spicy with growing heat that never quite burns. Noodles are soggy and floury even though not cooked as per the recipe. I've joked about Super Noodles are crap for years, but to be honest they are growing on me. You get a decent portion, and even though it's more noodle than flavouring, and the noodles are bland and floury (air-dried rather than deep-fried as Asian noodles are), and sometimes - as here, the flavouring is OK. The touch of lime is a nice touch - quite modern that. No lime in the ingredients, but they do use lemon and citric acid, so that's how they're getting it.

I'm not going to lie. This was OK.

Date: Jan, 2016  Score: 4

Cooked per the instructions and the result was a stodgy mess. It's savoury and has warmth, but it's stodge. Quite edible, but ready my previous experience, it seems it's better just to pour on the boiling water and wait.

Date: July 2017  Score: 3

Super Noodles are crap

The best (and worse) Chicken flavour instant noodles

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