
Wednesday 9 April 2014

Maggi Assam Laksa flavour

Another poor Maggi nood. Pale tasteless noodles with vague somewhat sludgy savoury sauce with sharp chilli. The chilli is simply crude heat - just breathing it in makes me cough. There is only one powder packet so you can't adjust how much chilli to put in. You either get it hot, or you don't eat it. Through the heat and the sludgy MSG there is some sweetness and tomato paste flavour.

Assam laska is a spicy sour fish noodle soup, and there is powdered fish in the ingredients - though no chicken brains or cow shit.

I've not been impressed with the three maggi noods I've had so far, so I'll be unlikely to buy any more. It's 40 for 78g, so it's an OK price, but the noodles are wishy washy, and the flavouring powders are too hot and ugly.

Sept 2014   Score: 2

Thin sweet packet  tomato soup and chilli with noodles. A little too spicy for me. And the base tomato soup was a little insipid.

Jan 2015   Score: 3

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