
Wednesday 26 February 2014

ASDA Chosen By You Chicken Flavour Noodles

It doesn't say where these noods are made, but as they are deep fried noodles and fairly tasty and greasy, they'll be made somewhere in Asia. The powder contains chicken, but you couldn't tell. This is very bland. MSG tastes more of chicken than this.  It's a poor do, really. Nice noodles, inept flavouring. That they kill chickens in order to make this crap is a crime.

Score: 3    Date: Feb 2014

 In ASDA the other day, the first time in ages, and I grabbed some of their own brand noodles to check up on them, forgetting just how bad they are. Greasy and foul. And contains ground up dead chicken. Never again. Bad. Bad. Bad. Made in China.

Score: 1   Date: Dec 2015

ASDA Noodles 

The best Chicken flavour instant noodles

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