
Monday 11 November 2013

ASDA Smart Price Chicken Flavour Noodles

This is about as cheap and nasty as it gets. About 20p a packer, which has to be cooked rather than simply having boiling water poured over them. I did try the boiling water soak and slurp method, but it resulted in hard noodles in a cold liquid. I had to warm up in the microwave. Too much effort man! And not enough flavour!

There's no chicken, but it does - bless it's little nood socks - leave a greasy boiled chicken flavour in the mouth. Basic stuff, but you can eat this people! Yes, you can!

Date: Nov 2013   Score: 3

The name has changed - they've dropped the "Instant" part - after all, if you have to cook it, I suppose it's no longer instant. Noodles are very basic. No flavour or character to them. The sauce has a pleasant onion and parsley flavour, but it's in need of seasoning. Yes folks, you can eat this, but I don't know why you would want to. There are plenty of cheap instant noodles that taste better for around the same price.

Date:  March 2015   Score: 2

ASDA Noodles 

The best Chicken flavour instant noodles

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