
Monday 18 November 2013

Vifon Kurczak (Chicken) Curry / Curry Ostra

This  is still the Vifon chicken curry, but the chicken name (Kurczak) is no longer prominent, and monosodium glutamate is used in place of dead bits of chicken. Also, the word Ostra (sharp) has been added. 

Decent noods with an acceptable savoury flavour (though not really very curry like or chicken like, just sort of savoury). It wasn't the favourite in our house, but it was generally liked, even though one of us placed it last. 

The taste test

Date: Aug 2023    Score: 5

A regular dirty cow this one. Good greasy noodles with a hot and greasy chicken flavoured curry. Good burn in the mouth. Solid all round. Three little flavour packets - I put them all in before pouring on the water. Seemed to work OK.

Yep. Go for it!

There's bits of real dead chicken feet, bum and brains in this one, so score is reduced.

Date: Nov 2013  Score: 5

Vifon Instant Noodles

The best Chicken flavour instant noodles

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