
Monday 10 March 2014

Nissin Demae Ramen Pork Flavour

Another tasty Nissin nood. The noodles are perfect. The flavour of this is not my favourite Nissin - there is a suggestion of pork flavour, which is not something I eat, and when I did, it was probably my least favourite meat. The finish is powdery and chemical with a hint of warmth. But even a poor Nissin is way tastier than many other noods - especially the dreary Super Noodles. So, decent enough, but not one I'd buy again.

100g for 40p. Made in the EU with pork powder.

Date: March 2014   Score: 6

Why buy any other brand? Nissin are perfection. This tastes lovely - no pork flavour (though sadly they do scrape out the insides of a cow's scull to include the jelly), but plenty of sesame seed oil flavour. Very yummy.

Date: June 2014    Score:  7

Made under licence in Germany. These noods do contain ground up pig.The taste is disappointing. The noodles are insipid, and the flavour is wishy washy and feels unpleasantly chemical. This is very different to the version I had last year (green packet, marked Pork Flavour (Tonkotsu). Those were tasty.  I wouldn't like to eat these again.

Date  Jan 2015    Score: 4

Overall score: 5

Other reviews:
*Ramen Lovers (old version from 2005)


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