
Monday 3 March 2014

Pot Noodle Chinese Chow Mein

Chow mein is a popular name for noods. It's not really a flavour, as such; the term "chow mein" simply means stir fried noodles - the flavour would come from any sauce that is used in the cooking of the noodles. Traditionally, onions are used in creating the sauce, and the Chinese like MSG and sugar. Funny enough, onions, MSG and sugar are listed in the ingredients of this Pot Noodle.

The noodles are OK. I do prefer Asian deep fried noodles, but of the UK air-dried noodles, Pot Noodle is among the best, being fairly firm (at least they are firm if you don't leave them too long). The sauce is reasonably thick and gooey, and has no offensive or direct flavours - it just has a mushy moderately savoury flavour with enough sweetness to keep it interesting. It's OK. 2nd best Pot Noodle I've had.

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